All Locations
Embrace a green and electric future with charging stations. Gain access to a network of convenient locations.
Vishwaratna Hotel - Paltan Bazar
3.3Kw AC
A. T. Road, Tokobari Rd, opp. MS Road, Guwahati - 781001
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Tremend Drillco - Zoo Road
3.3kw AC charger & 7.2kw CCS 2 gun Rajat Kamal Path, Zoo Tiniali, Guwahati - 781024 Get Direction
Imperial Vista - Hatigaon
3.3kw AC
Juripar, Hatigaon, Guwahati - 781019
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Gin Prakash OSM
3.3Kw AC
Adagudam, Odalbakra, Road, Lokhra, Guwahati - 781034
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3.3Kw AC
Ulubari Flyover, South Sarania, Ulubari, Guwahati - 781003
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Pan bazaar
3.3Kw AC
SC Goswami Rd, Guwahati - 781001
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J2B's Enterprise
3.3kw - 2 charger
Near LIC office, Bongaigaon - 783380
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Rajmahal Resort - Nagaon
3.3kw - 2 charger
Assam Trunk Rd, Uria Gaon, Assam 782003
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